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Permisos aprobados en tiempo récord

El 28 de mayo del 2021, MayaNíquel S.A fue beneficiada con la licencia “La Ruidosa I” para explorar níquel, cobalto, platino, caudal, plata, cobre y otra decena de minerales más en 9.5 kilómetros de dominio en el municipio de Morales, Izabal; sin embargo fue hasta el 8 de septiembre que la decisión del MEM salió a la faro pública.Carlos

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Wooden Tissue Box Covers: Combining Function and Elegance

The world of miniature doll-houses is a fascinating leisure activity that captures the elaborate information of life on a little scale, offering an abundant and immersive experience for both collectors and hobbyists. These small-scale homes often come with thoroughly crafted furnishings and devices, giving birth to an entire world within a small ro

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Say Goodbye to Neck Pain with ZAMAT Bed Pillows

Locating the ideal cushion can be a transformative experience, significantly improving one's rest high quality and general health. Amongst the myriad of alternatives offered on the market, ZAMAT pillows have actually emerged as a standout choice for those looking for both comfort and support. ZAMATHOME, the brand behind these cutting-edge products,

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